Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Process

This study followed the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) process for Group ‘B’ projects.

Throughout the study process, input was sought from the public and external agencies.  The consultation process will result in the identification of current existing conditions/constraints and an updated preferred preliminary design plan.

As part of this Preliminary Design Study, an Addendum to the Environmental Study Report (ESR) was required to review the changes that have taken place since the submission of the original ESR in 1997. The changes may include new conditions to the study area, proposed changes to the previously EA approved plan within the study limits, new government policies, new engineering standards or new technologies for mitigation measures.  The Detail Design Study is now complete and a Design and Construction Report (DCR) was prepared to document the updated detail design plans and the proposed environmental mitigation measures and is available here.

The DCR is available for a 30-day public and external agency review period.  Notices were posted on this website and published in local newspapers at that time to explain the review process and to identify the locations where the reports are available for viewing.

A summary of the study schedule and consultation process is shown below.

Study Process

Study Process

Detailed information regarding the MTO Class EA and the Ontario EA Act is available via the Links section of this website.